Saturday, April 2, 2011

Database Assesment Theory

1. What ethical/legal issues considered when implementing this database? Explain. It depends on what information is stored on the database however no matter what all information should be stored in a proper and secure way, this will help and prevent information theft and stealing of content in the database another way is to make sure there is a backup source incase of a error that has taken place or becasue if theft. Depending on the company or the person who has created the database depends on the rules they abide by. Such as when implementing a song database you need to make sure that the consumer and copyright are taken into mind as people may create a unlawful song database such as LimeWire. The consumer and copyright regulations law gives the song database a tick of aprroval and helps those browsing through the database to be given the correct information and ensure that they are on a trusty song database such a iTunes. 2.What are the advantages such a system has over conventional methods of organising and previewing music? A song database is ine of the easiest to manuver as the way it has been created allows the cinsumers to browse without any problems and this is due the layout if the database. A song database only needs few simple forms, quieres and it would not be finished without a menu which clearly labes and organises and also guides the consumer to help them with what they are looking form wheather it be a song, artist or the album. You are able to preivew a sample of the song or the whole song, and you can search this through a quiery. In a song database everything is somewhat linked together and related through relations. 3.Data Dictionary

  • kTunes: Name of the database and is insipiered by iTunes

  • Main Menu: The first page found when entered the database and allows consumer to head on through to the queries or to edit the data found through buttons.

  • Edit Data: The data is created and where it can be changed however not for consumers and for workers

  • Quirey Search/Query Menu: Where consumer can search for particular information through the avalible quiereies and in this case it would be Band/Group, Song and Genre

  • Searching Song, Artists and Band/Group: This is linked with quires as they are used to search for the song, genre and band/group and also shows you information around what you searched

  • Song Sample: Allows the person to listen to a 20second snipit of the wanted song

  • Cost: displays how much the song would cost if wanting ot buy

  • File Size: Show the size of the whole song in MegaBytes so that the consumer is aware oncase they don't have enough space to download/buy the song

  • Duration: Shows how long the song goes for

  • Cover Art: the album cover

  • Artist: Displays the induvidual group members

  • Band/Group: Displays the name of the band/group

  • Genre: what type of music is it in this case Kpop (korean pop)

  • Song Title: The name of the song

4. Storyboard how will the user navigate through your database i.e the path the user follows to get to one form to the next.

A- when on the menu page of kTunes either click the quiery button

B- Click one of the quiery/search options which are song, genre and band/group

C- Enter the information you are looking for once iy appears you can listen to the sample music etc.

D- once finished and you want to go back the main menu click the image of the menu in the right bottom coner

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